Way Ahead 2B - 11 - Pages 1-4
“Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what’s for lunch.”
1) 10-15 minutes
Play whatever game the students want for 10-15 minutes
2) 15-25 minutes
Play UNO with the New Country Cards. Target sentence is I am from....(Country). You can change this up by having them using someone's name or he/she etcetera.
You can extend the period slightly from the game into the lesson by using the travel game flags ppt. You can click around and see what they know about geography and there is a link on the bottom where they can practice some English phrases that will be used in the lesson.
3) 40-50 minutes
This is the book portion of the lesson. Use the world game in portions of the lesson to help teach if necessary. Google Earth is better, but unless you have a VPN, probably can't access it.
4) 15-25 minutes
The main game is 11. It is a speaking boxes game. NB: THE FIRST SLIDE IS A DUMMY SLIDE. It is there to help model what the student is supposed to say. Have them model a few lines first. For example, if they want the box that corresponds with John and China, they must say "John comes from China." The second slide is where the results are. The instructions for that are here. The game sheet is here.
If there is any free time, play a game of your own choosing or you could play a video or one of the optional games below.
5) 10-15 minutes
Play whatever game the students want for 10-15 minutes