Finding Out HJKQ - 2

Energy and persistence conquer all things.
— Benjamin Franklin

1)  15-20 minutes

Start the class with a game.  For young kids, Big Fish Games doesn't always do such a good job.  Children don't mind repetition and in many cases, it can be very useful.  So, if they aren't tired of the ABC song and running games, by all means, continue using them.  


This is a game for going through the gamut of actions that they have begun to learn such as walk, run, jump, dance, swim, fly etc.  Shout the action and then have the children do the actions for a short period of time after which you shout stop.  Try to stop on one foot or with your arms splayed out.  Then, count to ten and make sure no one moves.  If someone moves, they have to go and touch the letter of your choice.


Use different commands to get the kids to learn prepositions of location.  Tell them to sit under the table, sit next to the desk, sit next to the name of one of the students, under book (the letter wall prints) etcetera.


The following links are examples of ABC games that can be played with the children:

2)  20-25 minutes

Use the Pelmanism 3-4 Cards PDF to do a fold and color activity.  Fold and glue the cards first and then have them color the pictures.  Before or during this activity, play some of the color videos in your folder.  Examples are shown below.

You probably won't finish coloring all the cards, so when they are tired of coloring or time is dragging on stop the activity and play a tic-tac-toe game with the Pelmanism color cards PDF and the tic-tac-toe PPT.  Using the PPT, you can lay out the color cards in the same pattern as on the PPT slide.  First, try to have the students guess the word related to the letter.  However, if they are having trouble, turn the card over to help them or use the phonic sound to give them a push.

3)  15-20 minutes

Use the HJKQ Cards, the MNPS Cards, the BCDGT Cards, and the AEIOU Cards to play some class and outside TPR games.  There are some examples below.

Frist, you should establish a mime with each of the letters and objects. For example, to get them to remember b-book, have them pretend to read a book.


You can play this game in the class around the table, or outside in a circle.  Put 4-5 cards on the table or on the floor.   Tell the students to cover their eyes with their hands and count to three.  While they are counting, take one of the cards away and have the students guess which card it is.


Have the students stand in a line side by side.  Next, have them do something with their body.  For example, tell them to "raise your right hand".  You do the same so they know what your meaning is.  NOTE:  You will probably need to face away from them so they know what right and left means.  Next, you can say something like, "Right hand touches your left foot.  You can make them do some funny things like touch your left ear with your right foot.  At some point, you can show them a card and tell them to touch that card on the wall.

4)  15-25 minutes

Now, they are probably ready for some videos and games.  Play some of the videos as shown below.  You can find them in your songs folders.  

Next, you can play some ppt games using money.

5)  15 - 20 Minutes

After some games, the kids should be ready to do some bookwork.  Use the Finding Out Unit 4 - 2 PDF and the Unit 4 Teach 4 PPT to complete this portion of the class.  For added interest, you can play one of the color videos and color some of the pictures on the paper.

6)  15 Minutes

With the time remaining, you can play some more games such as Hide and Seek, or some of the previous TPR games played.  If they are too tired, you can play some web games or some games in the folder.

PPT Games

Web Games


Way Ahead 2b - Unit 13 - Pages 5-8


Way Ahead 2b - Unit 13 - Pages 1-4