Scott Tate Scott Tate

Finding Out AEIOU - 1

Children are educated by what the grown-up is and not by his talk.
— Carl Jung

1)  10-15 minutes

Start the class with a game.  For young kids, Big Fish Games doesn't always do such a good job.  So, in order to help them with the alphabet, a game using the alphabet song and some TPR (Total Physical Response) is useful.  For example, you could use: ABCD Watermelon

In the game, they play the alphabet song but there are mistakes.  When the game comes to these mistakes, make the kids figure out what the alphabet is and have them run out and touch the letter on the ABC Wall Cards and say the letter.  Then, before letting them back into the room make them say the name of the object that is related to the letter (for example, t - tiger).

You can also use a video.  For example:

ABC's & Counting 1-20 | Learning Songs | GiggleBellies

Using the video allows for more freedom when choosing what letter you want them to go out and locate.  Also, this video has numbers if you want to incorporate some number TPR as well.


2)  10-15 minutes

Do the AEIOU Cut Book using the Big Small Cut ppt..  

After they finish gluing the cut outs into the book, have them color some or all of the pictures.  While doing this you can play some of the letter videos available in the folder on your computer.  If the children seem to enjoy the videos, you can play them for longer after they have finished coloring.  Here are some examples

3)  10-20 minutes

Use the AEIOU Cards to play some class and outside TPR games.  There are various games that can be played and it is advisable to mix normal games with the TPR-related alphabet activities. 

Frist, you should establish a mime with each of the letters and objects. For example, to get them to remember a-apple, have them pretend to eat an apple.

Next, play a game where you put a set of the AEIOU cards outside on the ground.  The students are in the classroom and you can pick one of the students.  Show them a card (e-elephant), say e- elephant or the phonic sound of e and elephant and have them run out and grab the card.  

Another game is where you tell them to count to ten and then you go outside and hide the card somewhere and they must find it.

Now, you can play some classroom games.  Show them the cards and turn them upside down.  Now, make them guess where one of the cards are.  Another game is to have the cards on the table and make them slap the card that you shout.

A mix of TPR and memory game can be utilized next.  Have the students bring their chairs out to the outside.  Put the chairs next to one wall opposite where the letters are.  In this game, you can introduce different commands such as walk, sit, stand and run.  The goal is to have them do the actions along with you as you command them.  Every once in a while, should a letter and object (o-octopus) and they must run over and touch it.

These are just some examples.  If you have other TPR games, feel free to use them throughout the course.  Other games will be introduced in other lessons as well.

5)  10-15 minutes

They should be tired and ready for a sit-down session.  Play some of the Turn Letter Games like the examples below.  There are three objects for each letter and the target word isn't always in the video or, if it is, not the first one.  So, best if you scroll through the video until you get to the one you want.  However, it isn't horrible if you just watch the can entertain and teach at the same time.

Follow up the videos with some ppt games along a similar vein: UNO Card Hidden Game - Big Little Letter Phonic Hidden Game

During these games and others for that matter, you can use some of the ABC Dragons money sets.

5)  20-30 minutes

Now, if they are ready for some sit-down craft work, we can explore colors.  If they need to get up and move, do some TPR outside with either the outside set of color wall cards, the Color Cards or both.

Otherwise, open up the Starfall color page and ask each student which color they would like to look at.

Now, you can have the students color this picture of an Elephant.  However, you should lead the exercise and color each part of the elephant with different colors.  You can use the Microsoft paint program which is on the computer or a web page drawing application such as abcya's Paint or onemotioncom's.  All of these allow for you to open the elephant jpeg in the drawing window.

You can end this section with some web and ppt games.  With the color game, you will need the Treasure Cards.  When the child gets a treasure card you can have them trade it in for money.  They can roll the dice to see how much money they can win.

You can play various web games listed below:

6)  Time Remaining

You can play some of the color videos available in the song files.  These videos allow for various TPR games to be played from cues within the video.

Depending on how much time is available, you can reuse some of the games that worked during the lesson or some of your own ideas.  Otherwise, you can use some of the links below for other possible games.

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