ABCya Links
A very good website which has many different games and levels is It has so many different types of games that it is best if one tries to find a game that the student finds enjoyable and which helps them with their English. Click the link below to go to the site. Next, follow the directions below the link.
Way Ahead 2b - Unit 13 - Pages 9-11
“Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one.”
1) 10-15 minutes
Play whatever game the students want for 10-15 minutes
2) 10-15 minutes
Play UNO with the Month Cards. Target sentence:
"In (name of the month on the card) there are (number of days in the month) - OR - "In (name of the month on the card) it is snowy, rainy etc". For lower level students, "It is (name of the month on the card)"
3) 40-50 minutes
Before you start or during the book work, you could watch some of the videos in your folder as seen below.
4) 25-35 minutes
The skill game, Way Ahead 2b Unit 13 PPT, is a review game. It is advisable to play the game with a board game or whiteboard game and money.
If there is any free time, play a game of your own choosing or one of the optional games in the optional files folder or a related song video.
5) 10-15 minutes
Play whatever game the students want for 10-15 minutes
Finding Out FLVW - 2
“Never give a sword to a man who can’t dance.”
1) 15-20 minutes
Start the class with a game. For young kids, Big Fish Games doesn't always do such a good job. Children don't mind repetition and in many cases, it can be very useful. So, if they aren't tired of the ABC song and running games, by all means, continue using them.
For this game, you will need some money or other prizes. Have the students stand in a circle and play some sort of TPR game involving actions and using body parts. At some point in the game shout out a letter for them to run and touch. Finally, at various points in the activity, stop and show them the prize and make them ask: "Can I have...(prize item}".
IS IT A...?
In the classroom our outside, use some of the alphabet cards to play a game. Hold all the cards in your hand and pick one and show the card to the students. Next, ask them: "Is it an elephant?". The card shouldn't be an elephant. Have the students tell you no and then tell you what the real animal is. You can modify this game to include parts of your body if you want to spice it up a bit.
The first two links can be used together. Have the kids ask for a piece of paper from the front desk and have them draw a face. You can use the paint online application to draw along with them. The other links are PBS kids games:
2) 20-25 minutes
Use the FLVW Cones PDF to do a paste and color activity. Paste the pictures onto the cones according to the FLVW Cones PPT. Before or during this activity, play some of the color videos in your folder. Examples are shown below.
3) 15-20 minutes
Use the FLVW Cards, the HJKQ Cards, the MNPS Cards, the BCDGT Cards, and the AEIOU Cards to play some class and outside TPR games. There are some examples below.
Frist, you should establish a mime with each of the letters and objects. For example, to get them to remember b-book, have them pretend to read a book.
Go outside the classroom and have the students line up. Choose one of the students to come out and face the other students. Show them one of the alphabet cards and make sure they know which one it is. Then, have them close their eyes or turn around. Next, put give the card to one of the other students which they hide behind their back (you should have all the students do the same thing so it is more difficult to guess). Finally, have the student look and guess who has the card.
Put some of the cards on the table and make the students remember which ones they are. Next, pretend you have ants in your pants and run outside trying to get them out (you will have to explain this to the students before you so they understand). Before you left the room, you should have cleverly taken one of the cards. When you return, have the student sguess which card it was.
4) 15-25 minutes
Now, they are probably ready for some videos and games. Play some of the videos as shown below. You can find them in your songs folders.
Next, you can play some ppt games using money.
5) 15 - 20 Minutes
Use the 5 Book Work PPT to complete the Finding Out unit 5-2 PDF activity. The start of the PPT is a series of letters and corresponding words. It is probably best if you say the letters and words along with the students to give them some confidence.
6) 15 Minutes
With the time remaining, you can play some more games such as Hide and Seek, or some of the previous TPR games played. If they are too tired, you can play some web games or some games in the folder.
PPT Games
Web Games
Finding Out FLVW - 1
“Energy and persistence conquer all things.”
1) 15-20 minutes
Start the class with a game. For young kids, Big Fish Games doesn't always do such a good job. Children don't mind repetition and in many cases, it can be very useful. So, if they aren't tired of the ABC song and running games, by all means, continue using them.
In the class or outside the class, stand in a circle and clap your hands to the "one potato, two potato song/chant". The only difference is you stop at the number which you want to rhyme a word with. For example: "1 potato, 2 potato, 3 potato, four. Now, touch the door" OR " 1 potato, 2 potato. Now, touch your shoe." Every once in a while, stop the chant and tell them to touch one of the letters on the wall.
Use different commands to get the kids to learn right and left. Have the kids stand in a line. Stand with your back to them and begin to shout and mimic commands. For example: Look left. Look right. Raise your right hand. Raise your left hand. Jump to the left. Jump to the right. Every once in a while, shout out a letter to have them touch.
The following links are examples of ABC games that can be played with the children:
2) 20-25 minutes
Use the FLVW Cut Book PDF to do a paste and color activity. Paste the pictures into the book according to the FLVW Cut Book PPT. Before or during this activity, play some of the color videos in your folder. Examples are shown below.
3) 15-20 minutes
Use the FLVW Cards, the HJKQ Cards, the MNPS Cards, the BCDGT Cards, and the AEIOU Cards to play some class and outside TPR games. There are some examples below.
Frist, you should establish a mime with each of the letters and objects. For example, to get them to remember b-book, have them pretend to read a book.
Inside or outside the class, have the students face you in a semi-circle. Show them three of the cards so that they know which cards you have. Select one of the cards without letting them know. Next, make the students try and guess which card you have. You will probably need to repeat the possible selections aloud to help them make a choice.
Have one student stand and face away from the rest of the group. Give a card to one of the other students and have them say the word on that card. For example: Give them the apple card and they must say "apple". Next, the student facing away from the rest of the group must guess who said the word.
4) 15-25 minutes
Now, they are probably ready for some videos and games. Play some of the videos as shown below. You can find them in your songs folders.
Next, you can play some ppt games using money.
5) 15 - 20 Minutes
Use the 5 Book Work PPT to complete the FindingOut Unit 5-1 PDF activity. The start of the PPT is a series of letters and corresponding words. It is probably best if you say the letters and words along with the students to give them some confidence.
6) 15 Minutes
With the time remaining, you can play some more games such as Hide and Seek, or some of the previous TPR games played. If they are too tired, you can play some web games or some games in the folder.
PPT Games
Web Games
Way Ahead 2b - Unit 13 - Pages 5-8
“Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.”
1) 10-15 minutes
Play whatever game the students want for 10-15 minutes
2) 10-15 minutes
Play UNO with the Month Cards. Target sentence:
"In (name of the month on the card) there are (number of days in the month) - OR - for lower level students just: "It is (name of the month on the card)". Counting the points in the game will help reinforce number work in the book.
3) 40-50 minutes
Before you start or during the book work, you could play some web games to go over the vocabulary of larger numbers.
4) 25-35 minutes
The skill game is a tic-tac-toe PPT game using big numbers. There is an explanation on the first slide of the PPT, but here is PDF explanation if you need one.
If there is any free time, play a game of your own choosing or one of the optional games in the optional files folder or a related song video.
5) 10-15 minutes
Play whatever game the students want for 10-15 minutes
Finding Out HJKQ - 2
“Energy and persistence conquer all things.”
1) 15-20 minutes
Start the class with a game. For young kids, Big Fish Games doesn't always do such a good job. Children don't mind repetition and in many cases, it can be very useful. So, if they aren't tired of the ABC song and running games, by all means, continue using them.
This is a game for going through the gamut of actions that they have begun to learn such as walk, run, jump, dance, swim, fly etc. Shout the action and then have the children do the actions for a short period of time after which you shout stop. Try to stop on one foot or with your arms splayed out. Then, count to ten and make sure no one moves. If someone moves, they have to go and touch the letter of your choice.
Use different commands to get the kids to learn prepositions of location. Tell them to sit under the table, sit next to the desk, sit next to the name of one of the students, under book (the letter wall prints) etcetera.
The following links are examples of ABC games that can be played with the children:
2) 20-25 minutes
Use the Pelmanism 3-4 Cards PDF to do a fold and color activity. Fold and glue the cards first and then have them color the pictures. Before or during this activity, play some of the color videos in your folder. Examples are shown below.
You probably won't finish coloring all the cards, so when they are tired of coloring or time is dragging on stop the activity and play a tic-tac-toe game with the Pelmanism color cards PDF and the tic-tac-toe PPT. Using the PPT, you can lay out the color cards in the same pattern as on the PPT slide. First, try to have the students guess the word related to the letter. However, if they are having trouble, turn the card over to help them or use the phonic sound to give them a push.
3) 15-20 minutes
Use the HJKQ Cards, the MNPS Cards, the BCDGT Cards, and the AEIOU Cards to play some class and outside TPR games. There are some examples below.
Frist, you should establish a mime with each of the letters and objects. For example, to get them to remember b-book, have them pretend to read a book.
You can play this game in the class around the table, or outside in a circle. Put 4-5 cards on the table or on the floor. Tell the students to cover their eyes with their hands and count to three. While they are counting, take one of the cards away and have the students guess which card it is.
Have the students stand in a line side by side. Next, have them do something with their body. For example, tell them to "raise your right hand". You do the same so they know what your meaning is. NOTE: You will probably need to face away from them so they know what right and left means. Next, you can say something like, "Right hand touches your left foot. You can make them do some funny things like touch your left ear with your right foot. At some point, you can show them a card and tell them to touch that card on the wall.
4) 15-25 minutes
Now, they are probably ready for some videos and games. Play some of the videos as shown below. You can find them in your songs folders.
Next, you can play some ppt games using money.
5) 15 - 20 Minutes
After some games, the kids should be ready to do some bookwork. Use the Finding Out Unit 4 - 2 PDF and the Unit 4 Teach 4 PPT to complete this portion of the class. For added interest, you can play one of the color videos and color some of the pictures on the paper.
6) 15 Minutes
With the time remaining, you can play some more games such as Hide and Seek, or some of the previous TPR games played. If they are too tired, you can play some web games or some games in the folder.
PPT Games
Web Games
Way Ahead 2b - Unit 13 - Pages 1-4
“The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing.”
1) 10-15 minutes
Play whatever game the students want for 10-15 minutes
2) 10-15 minutes
Play UNO with the Month Cards. Target sentence:
"In (name of the month on the card) it is (hot, cold, rainy, snowy etc) - OR - for lower level students just: "It is (name of the month on the card)"
3) 40-50 minutes
The first page of this week's book work is to do a composition. Use the video below (in your teaching file folder) to aid in this exercise.
Before you start or during the book work, you could play some web games to go over the vocabulary.
4) 25-35 minutes
The Mtunes flash game can be played after watching the Mtune video and some of the other videos in your folder as shown below. You can listen to the videos as the kids do the months PDF worksheet.
If there is any free time, play a game of your own choosing or one of the optional games in the optional files folder.
5) 10-15 minutes
Play whatever game the students want for 10-15 minutes
Finding Out HJKQ - 1
“If you want to see the sunshine, you have to weather the storm.”
1) 15-20 minutes
Start the class with a game. For young kids, Big Fish Games doesn't always do such a good job. Children don't mind repetition and in many cases, it can be very useful. So, if they aren't tired of the ABC song and running games, by all means, continue using them.
This is a very useful game for teaching actions, body parts etcetera. Play the game as it is usually played by saying "Teacher says: (have them jump, walk touch their head etc)". However, every once in a while you can make them touch one of the letters on the wall.
Have the kids stand in a circle facing in toward the center of the circle. In the center of the circle put 5 cards on the floor. Go through what is there. Count 1-2-3 and shout "turn around" and the kids jump around facing out from the center of the circle. Take one of the cards away and shout "turn around". The kids try to guess the letter that you took away.
The following links are examples of ABC games that can be played with the children:
2) 15-20 minutes
Use the HJKQ book PDF activity with the HJKQ Book PPT.
Whenever it is appropriate, have the students color some of the cones. Before or during this activity, play some of the color videos in your folder. Examples are shown below.
3) 15-20 minutes
Use the HJKQ Cards, the MNPS Cards, the BCDGT Cards, and the AEIOU Cards to play some class and outside TPR games. There are some examples below.
Frist, you should establish a mime with each of the letters and objects. For example, to get them to remember b-book, have them pretend to read a book.
Show the students one of the cards and when they pass the ball to the next person they have to say whatever card it was you showed them.
Put one of the cards on one of the student's forehead so the other students can see what it is. Make the mime action of the word on their head so that the student can guess the word. You could also say the letter so they will say the word or you could use the phonic sound as the clue.
4) 15-25 minutes
Now, they are probably ready for some videos and games. Play some of the videos as shown below. You can find them in your songs folders.
Next, you can play some ppt games using money.
5) 15 - 20 Minutes
After some games, the kids should be ready to do some bookwork. Use the Finding Out Unit 4 - 1 PDF and the HJKQ PPT to complete this portion of the class. Remember, when you get to the write portion, have them run and touch each of the letters before writing, keeps the writing part less boring for them.
6) 15 Minutes
With the time remaining, you can play some more games such as Hide and Seek, or some of the previous TPR games played. If they are too tired, you can play some web games or some games in the folder.
PPT Games
Web Games
Way Ahead 2b - Unit 12 - Pages 9-11
“If you want a thing done well, do it yourself.”
1) 10-15 minutes
Play whatever game the students want for 10-15 minutes
2) 10-15 minutes
Play UNO with the Food Cards. Target sentence:
"(name of the food on the card) is delicious - OR - (name of the food on the card) isn't delicious".
3) 40-50 minutes
The first page of this week's book work is to do a composition. Use the video below (in your teaching file folder) to aid in this exercise.
Before you start the skill game, you could go over some food vocabulary using the food wall print.
4) 25-35 minutes
The game 7x7 Way Ahead 2b unit 12 PPT is a review game of the unit. You can play it with a board game or other game.
If there is any free time, play a game of your own choosing or one of the optional games in the optional files folder.
5) 10-15 minutes
Play whatever game the students want for 10-15 minutes
Finding Out MNPS - 2
“Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real.”
1) 15-20 minutes
Start the class with a game. For young kids, Big Fish Games doesn't always do such a good job. Children don't mind repetition and in many cases, it can be very useful. So, if they aren't tired of the ABC song and running games, by all means, continue using them.
Bring the students outside and teach them the chant using clapping:
One potato, two potatoes, three potatoes, four
Five potatoes, six potatoes, seven potatoes, more
Eight potatoes, nine potatoes, ten potatoes...(make the mime action for a letter you want them to touch)
Have the kids stand a fair distance opposite the ABC Cards on the wall. Tell them when you jump to face away from them and you shout "run", they can run to the alphabet card you have told them they should touch. When you jump around to face them and yell "stop", they must stop. You can then try to grab them, but if they say the word or letter of the card they are supposed to touch they stay in the game. Play until one of the students makes it to the card.
The following links are examples of ABC games that can be played with the children:
2) 15-20 minutes
Use the Cone PDF activity with the cones-1, cones-2, and cones-3 PPTs. The number of cones you do is completely dependent upon yours students interest and speed of doing such activities. The other cones can be done at home with the parents if you choose.
Whenever it is appropriate, have the students color some of the cones. Before or during this activity, play some of the color videos in your folder. Examples are shown below.
3) 15-20 minutes
Use the MNPS Cards, the BCDGT Cards, and the AEIOU Cards to play some class and outside TPR games. There are some examples below.
Frist, you should establish a mime with each of the letters and objects. For example, to get them to remember b-book, have them pretend to read a book.
Play one of the alphabet or other songs in your folder and when you stop the music either make them do some action such as sit down, jump or run and touch one of the letters that you show them
Line the students up in a row one after the other. One at a time, show a student on of the cards, have them say the word then they must run touch it and come back. When they come back make them say the letter-phonic-word combination once again.
4) 15-25 minutes
Now, they are probably ready for some videos and games. Play some of the videos as shown below. You can find them in your songs folders.
Next, you can play some ppt games using money.
5) 15 - 20 Minutes
After some games, the kids should be ready to do some bookwork. Use the Finding Out Unit 3 - 2 PDF and the Unit 3- Teach PPT to complete this portion of the class.
6) 15 Minutes
With the time remaining, you can play some more games such as Hide and Seek, or some of the previous TPR games played. If they are too tired, you can play some web games or some games in the folder.
PPT Games
Web Games
Way Ahead 2b - Unit 12 - Pages 5-8
“Insanity is hereditary; you get it from your children.”
1) 10-15 minutes
Play whatever game the students want for 10-15 minutes
2) 10-15 minutes
Play UNO with the Food Cards. Target sentence:
"I want some (name of the food on the card)". A second option is to have the students make a question with "Do you have any (name of the food on the card)".
3) 40-50 minutes
Before you start the skill game, you could go over some food vocabulary using the food wall print.
4) 25-55 minutes
This skill game 7x7 Food Click is a game that has various ways to play. Use the 7x7 Food Click Game Explanation PDF to help you.
If there is any free time, play a game of your own choosing or one of the optional games in the optional files folder or the MTunes video and flash games.
5) 10-15 minutes
Play whatever game the students want for 10-15 minutes
Finding Out MNPS - 1
“You have to go on and be crazy. Craziness is like heaven.”
1) 15-20 minutes
Start the class with a game. For young kids, Big Fish Games doesn't always do such a good job. Children don't mind repetition and in many cases, it can be very useful. So, if they aren't tired of the ABC song and running games, by all means, continue using them.
Using the MNPSUno, AEIOUUno, and BCDGTUno cards, play a game of the guess the word/letter. There are many possible variations of this game, but it is probably better if you take them outside to play:
A) Simply show the card to the students and have them guess the word, the letter or both
B) Choose a card and place it face down on the floor. Say the letter and phonic sound (example: A-aah...). If you need to point at the letter on the wall.
C) Same as above, but say the word and have them guess the letter.
D) Same as above, but now you do a mime and have them guess the word, letter or both.
Start the game from the classroom. Tell the students that they must run to the door of the school and back to the classroom. However a monster(the teacher) will try and catch them. They can make the monster freeze if they say the word or letter of the card that is showed to them in the classroom. Repeat as many times as desired.
The following links are examples of ABC games that can be played with the children:
2) 15-20 minutes
Use the MNPS Cut Book PDF activity with the Cut Book Help PPT. Slowly work your way through the book. With each page, use the corresponding ppt slide to work on some phonics. Also, either during or after cutting and pasting each picture, you can color the pages. You can use this opportunity to play a color song to work on color words.
3) 10-15 minutes
Use the MNPS Cards, the BCDGT Cards, and the AEIOU Cards to play some class and outside TPR games. There are some examples below.
Frist, you should establish a mime with each of the letters and objects. For example, to get them to remember b-book, have them pretend to read a book.
Put four to five of the alphabet UNO cards on the table. Have them identify the cards. Keep the cards face up and move them around the table. Cover one of the cards and have them guess which one it is. You can slowly add more and more cards to the group to make it more difficult
Very similar to the previous game, but in this game, the cards are all facing down. Show them which cards are in the group by showing them the cards and return them to their face down position. Move the cards around very quickly and then select one card and see if they can guess which one it is. If they can't, you can give them some clues.
4) 15-25 minutes
Now, sit down and do some bookwork. There are two pages for the kids in the Finding Out Unit 3-1 PDF, the first is just a place marker for the game played on the Finding Out Unit 3-1 PPT. This game is just another version of guessing the word for the letter. Advisable to make this a money game. The next page is a writing exercise. The top half of the page is a chance to work on some more phonics and it is easy to follow according to the ppt. The bottom half is a TPR and writing exercise. Have the kids run and touch each letter as seen on the ppt. After touching the letter/word, have them write it on their page.
5) 15-25 minutes
Now, they are probably ready for some videos and games. Play some of the videos as shown below. You can find them in your songs folders.
Next, you can play some ppt games using money.
6) 15 Minutes
With the time remaining, you can play some more games such as Hide and Seek, or some of the previous TPR games played. If they are too tired, you can play some web games or some games in the folder.
PPT Games
Web Games
Way Ahead 2b -12 - Pages 1-4
“Ice cream is my comfort food.”
1) 10-15 minutes
Play whatever game the students want for 10-15 minutes
2) 10-15 minutes
Play UNO with the Food Cards. Target sentence:
"I have some (name of the food on the card)". A second option is to have the students make a question with "Do you have any (name of the food on the card)".
3) 40-50 minutes
Before you start the skill game, you could go over some food vocabulary using the food wall print.
4) 25-35 minutes
For the skill game, you will need to use the 8x8 board and the 8x8 food PPT. The explanation for the game is on the PPT but a more detailed explanation is in the 8x8 game explanation PDF.
If there is any free time, play a game of your own choosing or one of the optional games in the optional files folder or the MTunes video and flash games.
5) 10-15 minutes
Play whatever game the students want for 10-15 minutes
Finding Out BCDGT - 2
“Success is not a good teacher, failure makes you humble.”
1) 15-20 minutes
Start the class with a game. For young kids, Big Fish Games doesn't always do such a good job. Children don't mind repetition and in many cases, it can be very useful. So, if they aren't tired of the ABC song and running games, by all means, continue using them.
However, if you need some alternative games here are some examples:
Hide And Find The Letter
Using the BCDGTUno Cards, have the students count to 10 or 20 and hide some cards around the outside of the class. Next, tell the students they will need to find the letter (For Example) t-tiger. Walk around with the students repeating where is t-tiger. If they can't find it, help them by giving clues as to where it is.
Tiger Chase
Using the BCDGTUno Cards, put one card for each student in the middle of the outside floor. Tell the students that there is a tiger sleeping outside and it is their job to run and grab a card and get back into the classroom before the tiger wakes up and catches them. When the kids have safely returned to the classroom, ask each one of them which card they have.
The following links are examples of ABC games that can be played with the children:
2) 25-30 minutes
Use the BCDGT Cut Book PDF activity with the BCDGT Cut PPT. Slowly work your way through the book. With each page, use the corresponding ppt slide to work on some phonics. By now, you should have touched on the B-buh-book connection. Many times during the a-z lessons it is important to reinforce that the letter has a phonic sound. Don't teach it, just use it yourself in the games and in this situation using the book and the ppt. Say the word Banana but say it like- buh, buh, banana.
After you have cut and pasted the pictures into the book, now you can do some coloring. Before doing the coloring, you can play some of the videos to help acquaint or reacquaint the students with some color words:
You can end this part of the lesson with a bingo game using some of the cut book words from the previous two lessons. Use the BCDGT Bingo PPT to play.
3) 15-20 minutes
Use the BCDGT Cards and the AEIOU Cards to play some class and outside TPR games. There are some examples below.
Frist, you should establish a mime with each of the letters and objects. For example, to get them to remember b-book, have them pretend to read a book.
Use the Finding Out 1 to 2 PPT for cues. First, have the students guess what the word is and then they must go out to the outside teacher and ask "Can I have (name of the picture on the ppt)" Then they can come back and show you the card. You can have the students each go out individually or as a group. You can go through the ppt more than once if you feel it is useful.
Take a chair out to the outside room and put it in the middle of the room. Call a student and show them a card. First, make them tell you what the card is. Next, tell them to put it on or under the chair. You may have to show more than a few times what is on and what is under. Go through all the cards. Now, call a student and tell them to find a card and bring it back to you .
4) 10-20 minutes
They should be tired and ready for a sit-down session. Play some of the letter videos as seen below:
After watching some videos, you can play a couple of the treasure games. Use the BCDGT Treasure Game and Unit2 Treasure Game PPTs
Now, you can watch some turn the card over videos and then play some PPT games that are similar in nature
5) 10-20 minutes
Now, it is possible to do another cutting and pasting activity. Use the Cones Class PPT to help with the five prime words (Book, Cat, Dog, Gorilla, Tiger) from the Cones PDF. The other cones can be done with the Cones Home PPT if you have time, but it is suggested that you send these home with the parents.
6) 10 Minutes
With the time remaining, you can play some more games such as Hide and Seek, or some of the previous TPR games played. If they are too tired, you can play some web games or some games in the folder.
PPT Games
Web Games
Way Ahead 2b - 11 - Pages 9-11
“The good man is the friend of all living things.”
1) 10-15 minutes
Play whatever game the students want for 10-15 minutes
2) 10-15 minutes
Play UNO with the New Country Cards. Target sentence:
My name is (student's name). I come from (Country name of the card played).
3) 40-50 minutes
Before you start the composition or during the process, use the video below. It will go over the process of having them write the letter. This is the video in your teaching folder.
4) 15-25 minutes
There are two PPTs that you can use to play a board game or similar type game.
If there is any free time, play a game of your own choosing or one of the optional games in the optional files folder. If you have played most of these, then you could try some story telling activities that fit in with the writing during the book portion of the class.
5) 10-15 minutes
Play whatever game the students want for 10-15 minutes
Finding Out BCDTG - 1
“Children are our most valuable natural resource.”
1) 15-20 minutes
Start the class with a game. For young kids, Big Fish Games doesn't always do such a good job. Children don't mind repetition and in many cases, it can be very useful. So, if they aren't tired of the ABC song and running games, by all means, continue using them. However, if you need some alternative games here are some examples:
Round The Chairs TPR
Have the students bring out some chairs. There should be one chair less than the number of students. For example, if there are 4 students, there should only be 3 chairs. Set the chairs up in a circle with the seats facing out. Move around the circle by using different commands such as walk, run, jump, hop and so on. The teacher should do the commands so the students can understand what they are supposed to do. Then yell "sit". The last student left standing must go touch a letter that you command. Sometimes, one of the TPR commands can be touch B-book or T-tiger etc.
1-2 touch your shoe
Stand in a circle and chant this song and do the actions in brackets:
1, 2 touch your shoe (reach down and touch your shoes)
3. 4 sit one the floor (sit down on the floor)
5, 6 kicks, kicks, kicks (kick your feet in the air)
7, 8 it is late (stretch your arms and pretend to go to sleep)
9, 10 stand up again (stand up)
At this point, you can carry on from the previous game and give some TPR commands, have them sit in the chairs or run and touch the letter that you command. Repeat the process for as long as they are interested.
Computer games
The following links are examples of ABC games that can be played with the children:
2) 25-30 minutes
Use the Pelmanism Cards PDF activity with the Pelmanism Cards PPT. Have the children fold and paste the cards. Next, have them color the pictures (you probably won't get through all of doesn't matter as this is an activity to work on color words). Finally, use the PPT to play a game using the Pelmanism cards. There are different ways to play the game, but it is best using the actual cards to model the game but it is up to the teacher whether to use just the PPT or a combination for the game.
Before the coloring activity, you might want to play some color songs to acquaint the students with color words:
3) 10-15 minutes
Use the BCDGT Cards to play some class and outside TPR games. There are some examples below.
Frist, you should establish a mime with each of the letters and objects. For example, to get them to remember b-book, have them pretend to read a book.
Phonic Gate Keeper
The students are in the classroom. Show them a card (c-cat), say c- cat or the phonic sound of c and say cat and make the mime movement already established. Next, have them all go touch the c-cat card outside. Now, before they can enter the classroom, you make each of them say c-cat and make the mime movement already established.
Zombie chase
Spread the cards outside the classroom in the big room. Next, play the 1,2 touch your shoe song, or the TPR commands game (students do run, jump, walk commands based on teacher's discretion). When the teacher shouts zombie, the teacher turns into a zombie monster. The students can save themselves by picking up the card and using that card's word say, for example, d-dog and doing the predetermined mime movement.
4) 20-25 minutes
They should be tired and ready for a sit-down session. Play some of the letter videos as seen below:
After watching some videos, you can do the Letters Cut PDF with the Letters Cut PPT. Have the students cut and paste the letters next to the right picture.
Now, you can watch some turn the card over videos and then play some PPT games that are similar in nature
5) 20-25 minutes
With the time remaining, you can play some more TPR games, return and finish coloring the Pelmanism cards, watch some more videos, play computer games or do the writing exercise in the folder.
Writing Activity
PPT Games
Web Games
Finding Out AEIOU - 2
“I didn’t learn the alphabet until I was 11.”
1) 10-15 minutes
Start the class with a game. For young kids, Big Fish Games doesn't always do such a good job. So, in order to help them with the alphabet, a game using the alphabet song and some TPR (Total Physical Response) is useful. For example, you could use: ABCD Watermelon
In the game, they play the alphabet song but there are mistakes. When the game comes to these mistakes, make the kids figure out what the alphabet is and have them run out and touch the letter on the ABC Wall Cards and say the letter. Then, before letting them back into the room make them say the name of the object that is related to the letter (for example, t - tiger).
You can also use a video. For example,
ABC's & Counting 1-20 | Learning Songs | GiggleBellies
Using the video allows for more freedom when choosing what letter you want them to go out and locate. Also, this video has numbers if you want to incorporate some number TPR as well.
2) 20-25 minutes
Do the Big Little Cut exercise and the Finding Out 1-1 page. Use the AEIOU practice ppt to aid in these exercises.
During and after the activity you can play some of the letter videos available in the folder on your computer. Here are some examples
3) 10-20 minutes
Use the AEIOU Cards to play some class and outside TPR games. There are various games that can be played and it is advisable to mix normal games with the TPR-related alphabet activities.
Frist, you should establish a mime with each of the letters and objects. For example, to get them to remember a-apple, have them pretend to eat an apple.
Next, play a game where you put a set of the AEIOU cards outside on the ground. The students are in the classroom and you can pick one of the students. Show them a card (e-elephant), say e- elephant or the phonic sound of e and elephant and have them run out and grab the card.
Another game is where you tell them to count to ten and then you go outside and hide the card somewhere and they must find it.
Now, you can play some classroom games. Show them the cards and turn them upside down. Now, make them guess where one of the cards are. Another game is to have the cards on the table and make them slap the card that you shout.
A mix of TPR and memory game can be utilized next. Have the students bring their chairs out to the outside. Put the chairs next to one wall opposite where the letters are. In this game, you can introduce different commands such as walk, sit, stand and run. The goal is to have them do the actions along with you as you command them. Every once in a while, should a letter and object (o-octopus) and they must run over and touch it.
These are just some examples. If you have other TPR games, feel free to use them throughout the course. Other games will be introduced in other lessons as well.
5) 10-15 minutes
They should be tired and ready for a sit-down session. Play some of the Turn Letter Games like the examples below. There are three objects for each letter and the target word isn't always in the video or, if it is, not the first one. So, best if you scroll through the video until you get to the one you want. However, it isn't horrible if you just watch the can entertain and teach at the same time.
Follow up the videos with some ppt games along a similar vein: UNO Card Hidden Game - Big Little Letter Phonic Hidden Game
5) 10-20 minutes
In this activity, you will be working on big and little letter writing TPR. Using the Finding Out-1-2 page and the Write Touch AEIOU ppt, have the kids touch letter that is associated in the ppt. This can get a bit repetitive, so you will need to add variations in the game to keep them focused.
Way Ahead 2B - 11 - Pages 5-8
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”
1) 10-15 minutes
Play whatever game the students want for 10-15 minutes
2) 10-15 minutes
Play UNO with the New Country Cards or Animal Cards. Possible target sentences:
A tiger lives in a forest - A panda lives in China.
3) 40-50 minutes
Prior to or during the book work, you can use some of the links below associated with animals and habitats.
4) 15-25 minutes
The main activity is the M tunes Round The World Video and associated flash games that are in your skill folder. If there is time, you can play the Map Game - Animals Easy ppt.
If there is any free time, play a game of your own choosing or one of the optional games in the optional files folder.
5) 10-15 minutes
Play whatever game the students want for 10-15 minutes
Way Ahead 2B - 11 - Pages 1-4
“Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what’s for lunch.”
1) 10-15 minutes
Play whatever game the students want for 10-15 minutes
2) 15-25 minutes
Play UNO with the New Country Cards. Target sentence is I am from....(Country). You can change this up by having them using someone's name or he/she etcetera.
You can extend the period slightly from the game into the lesson by using the travel game flags ppt. You can click around and see what they know about geography and there is a link on the bottom where they can practice some English phrases that will be used in the lesson.
3) 40-50 minutes
This is the book portion of the lesson. Use the world game in portions of the lesson to help teach if necessary. Google Earth is better, but unless you have a VPN, probably can't access it.
4) 15-25 minutes
The main game is 11. It is a speaking boxes game. NB: THE FIRST SLIDE IS A DUMMY SLIDE. It is there to help model what the student is supposed to say. Have them model a few lines first. For example, if they want the box that corresponds with John and China, they must say "John comes from China." The second slide is where the results are. The instructions for that are here. The game sheet is here.
If there is any free time, play a game of your own choosing or you could play a video or one of the optional games below.
5) 10-15 minutes
Play whatever game the students want for 10-15 minutes